Novidades e eventos
ASPEA no VI Congresso Internacional de Educação Ambiental dos Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa
Florestas-que papel no equilíbrio ecológico e climático do planeta?
Multiplier event – Careforest Project
Walking trail in the forests of Parque natural da Serra de S. Mamede – PNSSM, from Castelo de Vide to Marvão mountains, in high Alentejo[1]Portugal, with guidance by technicians of ICNF. Performing of ludic and pedagogic activities about biodiversity and ecossistemic services of the particular and rich forests of Serra de S. Mamede, in different points of the path, by ASPEA educators. This multiplier event was integrated in the program of the 27 th environmental pedagogic journeys. (ASPEA meeting).
Ganadores do concurso de videos Careforest
Os gañadores internacionais do concurso de videos Careforest son os seguintes:
- 1º Premio: España – “Treat the forest as it treats you” – Manuel Alonso Bernal Herrero – ver video
- 2º Premio: Romanía – Disintegration – Ioana Șogorăscu – ver video
- 3º Premio: España – “O monte do meu avó” – Rocío Fernández Álvarez – ver video
Para ver os gañadores nacionais do concurso de videos Careforest descarga o PDF a continuación:
Concurso de vídeos
Os socios comezaron a dar a coñecer o concurso de vídeos do proxecto. O concurso estará centrado en mozos de 13 a 18 anos. O contido do vídeo debería estar relacionado co bosque, a vida forestal, a protección contra incendios e o desenvolvemento rural sostible.
O último día para subir os vídeos é o 15 de xuño.
O 15 de xullo de 2021 darase a coñecer o gañador do concurso. Os premios serán os seguintes:
- Primeiro premio: cheque regalo de 600 € para gastar en equipos informáticos
- Segundo premio: cheque regalo por valor de 400 € para gastar en equipos informáticos
- Terceiro premio: cheque regalo de 200 € para gastar en equipos informáticos
Premio único: cheque regalo de 400 € para gastar en equipos informáticos, que se outorgará aos primeiros clasificados de cada país das organizacións colaboradoras.
Adiante e participa no concurso !!!
3rd General Meeting Online Careforest June 1st 2021
Consortium partners discussed regarding the suitability of the produced animations to meet the project objectives. In general partners are satisfied with the quality of the animations, even if there are concerns from some partner regarding the need of also representing the positive impact of humans in the forest.
In relation to the video contest, the partners have agreed that the jury would meet to evaluate the videos, based on previously established criteria.
The Multiplier Events are expected to take place in person, during the next months of the project.
Spanish partner, Galician General Directorate of Education, proposed to have the last meeting, as initially foreseen, in Santiago de Compostela. It is initially expected to be organized on February 2022.
Online Meeting CareForest November 18th 2020
Consortium partners discussed about the layout of the E-book sent by ATIN, decided that in order to reduce the quantity of text in the first approach to the e-book, partners in charge of developing the different units must work out a summary of each of the chapters of the developed unit of the e-book. All partners must send as much graphic materials as possible, namely pictures and video recordings, in order to incorporate them to the units of the e-book. Not only for the chapter they have produced, but for all chapters included in the e-book, in order to all units include graphic material form all involved countries. Particular attention will be made to send graphic materials developed by themselves of under a creative commons license. Partners agreed to organize the delayed meeting in Norway for April 15th – 16th.
2nd General Meeting Online – October 13th 2020
Partners discussed the pending content of the e-book and they have agreed to send the pending documentation as soon as possible. Partners agreed on the importance of including reflection questions for the youth. In addition, it has been agreed to send references for each of the chapters of the E-Book, and also include resources and other graphic materials with more content in each of the unit, mainly with didactic interest. The content of the E-Book will be translated into all the languages of the partner countries.
Partners have proposed the timing of future activities.
Regarding the E-Book test, each partner will test it in at least 3 schools. This will serve to test the product and spread the word about the project and its products.
Regarding the virtual game, the promoters of the project show a proposal for it. The partners have proposed a number of modifications.
Regarding dissemination, partners agreed to send more resources, news, graphic material … in order to update the project website and social networks.
Regarding the video competition, work will begin as soon as possible, developing its bases.
Partners have agreed to meet online on November 17th 2020.
Meeting online
September 15th 2020
Partners agreed to send the sections of each chapter that should include references for the other countries. Furthermore, partners agreed to include references for each of the chapters.
Partners spoke about the interim report, in order to include the details for the staff on the management platform.
Regarding the training course, Partners agreed that the best option is to wait some time, in order to check if it is possible to do it face to face. If this is not the case, we will organise it to do online.
Meeting online
April 28th 2020
Partners have shared the work developed so far. The contents of the E-Book continue to be developed and adapted to each of the partner countries.
CareForest is included on the eTwinning, and it will be used for the dissemination and the contact with the target group of the project and organization that could be interested on the topic of the project.
Meeting online
March 3rd 2020
In the first place, during this meeting, they discussed the current situation caused by the pandemic in each of the partners involved in the project. Due to it, the meeting that would take place in May has been cancelled, and it will try to carry out in October 2020, if the health situation improves.
Regarding the contents of the E-Book, partners have agreed that during the next few weeks they will finish developing them, as well as the animations that must be included in each of the chapters. The partners have agreed that they would meet online at the end of April.
1st Kick-off Meeting – Santiago de Compostela
October 17th and 18th 2019
The project coordinator introduced the main aims and expected products of the project, as it is in the project application. Partners shared ideas about it and agreed in the importance of involving young people in the development of project activities from the very beginning, in order to be sure that the project results totally fits with needs of youngster in secondary education and, at the same time, to include their contributions in the project, mainly by involving them in field activities carried out around the rivers.
Consortium partners decided that the products will be developed using a cross approach. Regarding the technical approach consortium agreed on including different resources and methodologies, depending on the particular requirements of each topic: narrative, stories, animations, texts…
Eventos de divulgación e actividades de
Durante o desenvolvemento do proxecto, levaranse a cabo diferentes eventos de difusión en países socios para difundir experiencias do proxecto e actividades de aprendizaxe.
Evento de difusión en Bryne (Noruega)
Evento de difusión en Brasov (Rumania)
Evento de difusión en Santiago de Compostela (España)
Evento de difusión en Aveiro (Portugal)
Actividade de aprendizaxe en Santiago de Compostela
Primeiro encontro en Santiago de Compostela (17 e 18 de outubro de 2019)
2ª Encontro Internacional
3ª Encontro Internacional
Último encontro internacional
Encontros internacionais
Durante o proxecto, celebraranse 4 reunións internacionais cos socios que garantirán o fluxo de traballo adecuado do proxecto.
Un avó e a súa neta fixeron un vídeo que gañou un certame europeo
“My grandfather’s forest”: premio europeo para O Porriño
“Os montes antes eran de todos porque todos os coidabamos. Moitos traballabamos no campo, así que existía un respecto entre a natureza e nós. Eramos máis conscientes de onde viña o que comiamos ou a madeira…. Así que o coidabamos máis.
“My grandfather’s forest”: entrevista a Rocio Fernández
La ‘generación Greta’ en Galicia
Hablan de contaminación, de ecosistemas, reciclan y se preparan para hacer compost con los restos de la merienda – El IES Ribeira do Louro lleva años con formación Ambiental
ASPEA assinala Dia Da Floresta Autóctone com três ações de sensibilização.
O Núcleo da ASPEA (Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental) Aveiro e a Direção Regional da Conservação da Natureza e Florestas do Centro, colaboram com o Centro Social Paroquial Nossa Senhora de Fátima através do CLDS 4G_Aveiro na Semana da Floresta Autóctone.
Celebrou-se esta terça-feia, dia 23 de novembro, o Dia da Floresta Autóctone que pretende “assinalar a importância das espécies que integram o património florestal nativo”, assim como “promover a sua conservação numa perspetiva de valorização do seu potencial ambiental, social e económico”, lê-se no comunicado da ASPEA.
3rd General Meeting Online Careforest June 1st 2021
Consortium partners discussed regarding the suitability of the produced animations to meet the project objectives. In general partners are satisfied with the quality of the animations, even if there are concerns from some partner regarding the need of also representing the positive impact of humans in the forest.
In relation to the video contest, the partners have agreed that the jury would meet to evaluate the videos, based on previously established criteria.
The Multiplier Events are expected to take place in person, during the next months of the project.
Spanish partner, Galician General Directorate of Education, proposed to have the last meeting, as initially foreseen, in Santiago de Compostela. It is initially expected to be organized on February 2022.
ASPEA Aveiro involved 11 young volunteers in forest protection activities.
The ASPEA Aveiro Center involved 11 young volunteers in activities to protect and enhance forests and nature.
Youth Volunteer Initiative for Nature and Forests with the support of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth.
It is a youth volunteering program, which runs throughout the year, in the context of preserving nature, forests and their ecosystems. It is intended to sensitize the population, prevent forest fires and other catastrophes with environmental impact, monitor and recover territories affected by fires.
Know to respect nature
Manterse en contacto
Traballemos xuntos
A preservación do medio ambiente converteuse nun dos compromisos firmes de Europa para a Axenda 2020. Ademais, tamén se considera un obxectivo transversal en relación coa calidade de vida dos cidadáns europeos.