About the project

The project is devoted to give students competences regarding forest and climate change, giving them the role of acquiring knowledge and competences and transmitting them to the society


Environmental preservation has become one of Europe’s firm commitments for the 2020 Agenda. In addition, it is also deemed a cross-cutting objective concerning the quality of life of European citizens. It is important to stress that this natural wealth provides a costless process for air and water purification, it helps to sustain the economy by acting as a source of food and raw materials and, at the same time, it serves as an unquestionable tourist attraction.  

In this context, this project focuses on two key objectives:

Raising awareness regarding the need of care and protection of the forests and enhance the capacity of European citizens to face this current challenge of forest.

The protection of citizens against the risk of human losses in forest fire catastrophes.


The expected results for the project will be:  

The production of an e-book on: Life in Forest and impact of fires

The production of the Web Platform www.careforest.eu

Organizing an international video competition

Carrying out field activities.

Organizing workshops and seminars.

Publishing an electronic magazine to disseminate the project and its actions and results


The project is devoted to give students competences regarding forest and climate change, which currently are considered worldwide key competences. But besides the competences regarding climate change, the approach of the project, giving the students the role of acquiring knowledge and competences and transmitting them to the society will give them complementary skills. The students will work actively under the project in developing communication resources based in ICT, especially by recording and editing video clips. This will enhance their competences related to ICT and communication, which are currently considered key competences. 


– Conselleria de Educacion, Universidad y Formación Profesional – Spain
Asesoramiento, Tecnología e Investigación, SL – Spain
Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental (ASPEA) – Portugal
Municipio de Lousada – Portugal
Agentia Metropolitana Pentru Dezvoltare Durabila Brasov Asociatia – Romania
Høgskulen for grøn utvikling (HGUt) – Norway

Goals and mission

a) Raising awareness regarding the need of care and protection of the forests and enhance the capacity of European citizens to face this current challenge of forest, which are nowadays threatened not only by environmental and water pollution, but also, very particularly, by frequent major fires throughout Europe, especially in the Mediterranean basin. It is important that European citizens understand the whole dimension of the impact of fire in the environment. Further to the temporary impact in term of fire, there is a long term and global impact in terms of flora and fauna of the forest, acidification on the rivers and acidification of our sees and oceans.

b) The protection of citizens against the risk of human losses in forest fire catastrophes. Europe is becoming increasingly committed to the protection of citizens and this is the main objective in the case of forest fire catastrophes. We can saw dozens of dead people in the big fires across Europe (Greece, Spain, Italy…), which means generally a lack of knowledge on how to proceed in case of being caught by a fire.

Target group

1.-Students in pre-university educationare one of the main target agents/audience of this project. They will have access to the tools being developed, but at the same time they will be invited to take an active role in the project, presenting their communications through the project platform, creating and participating in a 2.0 community built around forest and its preservation and conservation, joining the field activities to be carried out within the project or taking part in the video competitions.

2.-Teachers, together with students, are the main target groups of our project. The project is built in such a way as to make teacher, not only from consortium and associated partner organizations, but also teachers initially external to the project, to take an active role in the project, taking part in the organized events and activities, as already noted for the students, and collaborating in the development, assessment and implementation of the intellectual outputs of the project.

3.-Municipalities, which are the responsible bodies for forest management in most countries. They are currently very active in taking actions towards a sustainable development of the forest. In the North countries because the higher level of awareness of the society and in the South countries because of the big impact of climate change (fires, droughts) or environmental conditions (pollution, deforestation).

4.-NGOs working in climate change and environment protection. They will be represented by ASPEA, which activity and skills have been already highlighted.

5.-Society in general, with will be the final link in the communication chain. They will be provided with the tools to access the information and educational resources related to forest conservation and sustainable development.

Let’s work together

Environmental preservation has become one of Europe’s firm commitments for the 2020 Agenda. In addition, it is also deemed a cross-cutting objective concerning the quality of life of European citizens. It is important to stress that this natural wealth provides a costless process for air and water purification, it helps to sustain the economy by acting as a source of food and raw materials and, at the same time, it serves as an unquestionable tourist attraction.